The short version:
Our Nutritionist-designed bars are crafted to be the perfect blend of natural deliciousness and plant-based protein, fibre, and healthy fats to help maintain stable blood sugar levels and provide lasting energy.
The long version:
Selecting the right ingredients involves careful consideration from taste, sourcing, production, and farming practices, to name a few. The following discussion explores these values, highlighting that our path to choosing the perfect ingredients is far from straightforward...
The comparison between organic and non-organic foods is a topic that has been widely debated. While opinions may vary, there are several reasons why we have chosen to use organic foods in our bars (wherever possible):
1 - Reduced pesticide exposure:
Organic farming practices prioritise the use of natural fertilisers and pest control methods, minimising the reliance on synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilisers.
2 - Nutritional value:
Some studies suggest that organic foods may contain higher levels of certain nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, compared to their non-organic counterparts. However, differences in nutritional content can vary depending on specific food and growing conditions.
3 - Environmental impact:
Organic farming practices strive to promote sustainability and minimise environmental harm. These methods focus on soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity preservation. By avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals, organic farming aims to minimise pollution, protect ecosystems, and promote long-term environmental sustainability.
While locally sourced foods can often be a sustainable choice, it's not always a guarantee that they are the best option for sustainability in every circumstance. Several factors need to be considered when evaluating the sustainability of food choices, including transportation, production methods, fair trade, ethical and regional conditions. Our seaweed is locally sourced from Wales but some of our ingredients are not locally sourced (e.g. cacao nibs).
Food Miles:
Locally sourced foods generally have shorter transportation distances, which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with long-distance transportation. However, certain foods produced in more energy-efficient or environmentally friendly ways in distant regions may have a lower overall carbon footprint than locally produced alternatives.
Regional Suitability:
Local food production is often better suited to the local climate, soil conditions, and ecosystems. By supporting local farmers, we can contribute to preserving local agricultural traditions and protect the regional biodiversity. There may be instances where non-local production of certain foods can occur in a more sustainable and efficient manner due to factors like advanced farming techniques or utilising abundant renewable resources.
Locally sourced foods are typically harvested at their peak season, reducing the need for energy-intensive methods like greenhouse cultivation or long-term storage. This can lead to fresher and more flavorful produce. However, in regions with limited growing seasons or climates that are not conducive to certain crops, relying solely on local foods year-round may require additional resources like energy-intensive greenhouses.
Scale and Efficiency:
Larger-scale agricultural operations may benefit from economies of scale, efficient resource management, and advanced technologies that can optimise production and minimise waste. However, small-scale local farming does support local economies, preserve rural communities, and contribute to food security.
Certification and Standards:
Local food systems may or may not adhere to specific sustainability certifications or standards. As well as locality, we considered whether the specific food follows environmentally friendly practices such as organic farming, regenerative agriculture, or fair trade principles.
To sum up, while choosing locally sourced food can typically support sustainability objectives, it is crucial to take into account various factors like transportation, production methods, regional suitability, and relevant certifications (such as ethical or fair-trade) when striving for sustainable food choices.
Health and Safety:
Our ingredients are minimally processed and free from synthetic chemicals and artificial additives. This helps reduce the risk of potential health issues and adverse reactions that may be associated with many artificial ingredients.
Nutritional Value:
Natural ingredients provide essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds that contribute to a balanced and healthy diet. In contrast, artificial ingredients lack these naturally occurring nutrients or contain artificial replacements that do not provide the same health benefits.
Digestibility and Absorption:
Our bodies are accustomed to processing and metabolising natural ingredients. This means they are (generally) easier to digest and absorb compared to artificial ingredients, which may be more challenging for the digestive system to break down and utilise effectively.
Flavour and Aroma:
We wanted authentic and robust flavours and aromas - something that natural ingredients can provide, enhancing the sensory experience of food.
Environmental Impact:
The production and disposal of artificial ingredients often involve complex chemical processes and may generate waste and pollution.
Consumer Preferences:
Many of our consumers, like us, prefer natural ingredients because they align with their personal values, such as supporting organic farming, sustainable practices, and a closer connection to nature. We wanted to create a snack that could cater to these preferences.
The process of selecting ingredients that align with our values, ethos, and satisfying our taste buds is undoubtedly a complex journey. We're not perfect, but we are transparent. Our ingredients have no hidden secrets, and we're committed to being open about where we currently stand and where we're headed. We're continually working to do better and improve every aspect of High Tide Seaweed from day one, and as we continue to grow as a company.